Ivriz, a religious and cultic area since the late Bronze Age, has, among others, two large Neo-Hittite rock reliefs, celebrating fertility of the land and agriculture. Surface rocks feature pink marble and travertine formations going up the bordering Bolkar mountains.
Lake Meke, formed 4 million years ago by volcanic activity, with a second cone formed c. 7000 BC. A geological heritage site, and biodiversity hotspot, 99% of its water dried due to anthropogenic misuse.
Ancient Kilistra was founded around 2nd century BC, remains of which are scattered in modern day Gökyurt village. Pyroclastic rock formations resulting from small volcanic activity are carved to form camouflaged dwellings.
Lake Tersakan, of tectonic formation is home to important halophyte species. Its water contains sodium, extraction of which is an example of anthropogenic misuse, and threatens its biodiversity.
Çatalhöyük, a Neolithic and Chalcolithic proto-city, from c. 7500 BC period. It is on a tell (höyük) with alluvial clay favourable for early agriculture.
The start of settlement in Sille goes back to c. 2000 BC. Situated on the pilgrimage route for early Christians, and on the silk route for Ottomans, it kept its importance for a long period. Tectonic and volcanic formations abound, with andesite and basalt quarried nearby.